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The weekly horoscopes of Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are here. Let’s read on to discover what's in store for your sign during the week of December 5 to December 11, 2021.



When boundaries need to be established, you sometimes question your fairness. You know that in most cases, everyone is doing their best, but you worry that adding any additional requirements to yourself is unreasonable for others. However, this week, please try to get rid of this idea. Everyone should be respected, and so are you. For this, you can try the winter menu and enjoy your life. This week calls on Libra to respect themselves and enjoy this winter. You're worth it!



Scorpio is not satisfied with leaving his/her future to chance or waiting for others to become generous. You can finish a lot of work earlier this week. Create a priority list and focus on the larger ones instead of wasting time on smaller ones. So don't let the cold weather slow you down, exercise more to release excess energy and direct it to valuable projects or goals. This week calls for when good opportunities arise, the best course of action is to take them.



Solar eclipse energy lasts longer than astronomical events. Try to think back to the solar eclipse last Saturday. Have you noticed that you have experienced some changes in direction or the people around you? If you feel it, instead of overthinking the cause, it is better to embrace the change itself. And then take steps this week to move ahead on the project or direction. This may bring constant fatigue and harsh emotions, but you don't have to feel desperate. This week calls on Sagittarius to balance your direction.



This season is somewhat influenced by your zodiac sign. There are many things you worry about. For example, you will never be able to work hard enough, and you will never be able to truly be happy. It's exhausting to keep being held back by my worst thoughts. However, try to relax this week, such as thinking about making simple but meaningful cards yourself. This week I call on Capricorns to bravely know the truth: you are good and charming, and the world will get better with you.



This week is a good week to lend a helping hand to a good cause, maybe a charity event. If you want to start something yourself, do it! Linking your motivation to work will make it more sustainable. If in the days to come, you find yourself hard-pressed to discern the difference between your gut instincts, your fears about the future, and your projections about the feelings of others, then please go slowly. This week calls on Aquarius to try to slow down to study and work.



Recently, new opportunities and new obstacles continue to emerge. You may find it difficult to stick to your plan exactly, and the direction of progress has been changed. If you are trying to plan too far for the future, don't worry too much now. Because you are fully capable of grasping every moment and letting the way forward show through your efforts. What you have to do is to focus on the motivation that you cultivate with others and analyze the role you play. Then clear the direction and work hard for it. This week calls on Pisces to maintain morale and a sense of humor.

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(II) Weekly Horoscopes: December 5 to December 11, 2021
Kimmie Smith Kimmie Smith
Dec 4, 2021
Dec., Weekly, Horoscope